The Archangel Dragon reclassified from NPC Dragon to Elemental Dragon as part of the Light and War update (2013-July-26).Since the July 2013 Light/War update, you will need to breed the pure or pure hybrids. Archangel Dragon is the only elemental dragon that does not have its element as part of its name. These dragons are extremely powerful and useful in dragon city battles.There was a lot of false information and conjecture about it, most of which would have been mitigated if people actually read the wiki before posting on the forum. The amount of time it takes to reproduce will depend on which Dragons are used. The Archangel Dragon is one of the most debated Dragons ever to appear in the game. Reg4shis Archangel Wings: This item is a moderator item belonging to. Originally, you could only use Archangel Dragon in the combats against the Cerberus and Demon Dragons. 3 red gene inherited from the Sumerian Annunaki, the root of the Dragon seed. When he needs something done, he chooses the Archangel Dragon for the job. The more time it takes to multiply, the more rare the Dragon will turn out. Deus himself created the Archangel Dragon when he was a brave young god. The Archangel Dragon is one of the most debated Dragons ever to appear in the game. The breeding time can vary from 30 seconds for the Fire Dragon and up to 2 days for the legendary.reeding requires two adult dragons (level 4 or higher).Originally, you could only use Archangel Dragon in the combats against the Cerberus and Demon Dragons.You will need empowered dragons to successfully get the NIGHTSHADE Dragon via breeding. This dragon requires Reborn Level 1 to breed. When he needs something done, he chooses the Archangel Dragon for the job.Įlement Effectiveness Offensive Damage Ratings The NIGHTSHADE Dragon is breedable by breeding one dragon with Dark and one with a Wind element.

Deus himself created the Archangel Dragon when he was a brave young god.